Memorie Sacre delle Sette Chiese di Roma

Name of text: Memorie Sacre delle Sette Chiese di Roma
Author of text: Giovanni Severano
Date of text: 1630
Date of person in text:
Name of structure in text: Lateran, S. Giovanni in Fonte [Lateran Baptistry]
Type of structure in text: Baptistry
Date of structure in text Built by Constantine 315, remodelled 5th C, 7th C, restored 9th and 12th C.
Century of structure 1: 4 AD
Century of structure 2: 12 AD
Country in text: Italy
Region in text: Lazio
City in text: Rome
Specific place of mosaic in text: Chapels of John the Evangelist and John the Baptist
Chapel of S. Venanzius
Description of mosaic in text: Ornamentation of mosaic, p. 497
Chapels of SS Johns, p. 498
Chapel of S. Venanzius, in 1154 Anastasius IV made two tribunes/apses with mosaics. p. 501
Mosaic date in text:
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Severano, Giovanni, Memorie Sacre delle Sette Chiese di Roma (Rome: Giocomo Mascadi, 1630), vol. 1, pp. 497, 498, 501

URLs: 00seve

Comments: Book available online

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