De Basilica et Patriarchio Lateranensi

Name of text: De Basilica et Patriarchio Lateranensi
Author of text: Caesar Rasponi
Date of text: 1657
Date of person in text: 1615-75
Name of structure in text: Lateran, Oratory of the Holy Cross
Type of structure in text: chapel
Date of structure in text Built by Pope Hilarius 461-68, Lateran 4th,10th, 14th century
Century of structure 1: 4 AD
Century of structure 2: 14 AD
Country in text: Italy
Region in text: Lazio
City in text: Rome
Specific place of mosaic in text: Roof and vaults
Description of mosaic in text:

Elegant golden mosaic in the vaults of the roof, and in the four corners angels who hold up a huge cross. arch over, little below the vault four very large windows, and in the interstices [small spaces]  mosaic work of the Holy. Apostles Peter and Paul, S. John the Evangelist, S. John the Baptist, SS. Stephen, Lawrence and the martyrs, as well as the images of James and Philip badly damaged.

Mosaic date in text: 5 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? Yes
Colour descriptions in text:

Caesar Rasponi, Caesar, De Basilica et Patriarchio Lateranensi: Libri Quatuor (Rome: Lazzeris, 1657), p. 232, quoted in Eugene Muntz, ‘The Lost Mosaics of Rome IV to IX Century’, The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, 2.3 (1886), 295-313, see p. 306


This oratory was destroyed at the time of the last restoration of the Lateran under Sixtus V (1585-90).

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