Planning for your retirement (USS Pension Scheme)
Monday 14 October 13:00 until 15:30
Part of the series: Financial Education
Target Audience: All Staff (Academic and Professional Services) considering retirement or for those who have just started thinking about retirement plans. This course is target towards those on the USS Pension scheme.
This is an online workshop, on Teams, lead by financial experts at Affinity Connect.
The course explores the change to lifestyle that come with retirement, income needs, the state pension inflation and the USS Pension Scheme. It also goes into savings and investments, taxation and estate planning.
This workshop will cover:
- Explore changes in lifestyles Identify where income is expected to come from and how it is taxed differently in retirement
- Understand the State Pension and different types of workplace pensions
- Learn about the risks and reward involved in savings and investments
- Discover why increased life expectancy escalates the dangers of inflation and how to combat it
- Find out how to ensure your estate is passed to your intended beneficiaries
- Understand Inheritance Tax
- Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice
Register on this workshop through LearnUpon. Please log in to LearnUpon first for this link to
take you directly to there.
Read a guide of how to register on LearnUpon.
Organisational Development will email further details the day before the event.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any accessibility requirements regarding this
staff development activity (e.g., hearing/visual impairment) so that we can do our very best to
accommodate your needs.
By: Organisational Development
Last updated: Friday, 26 April 2024