#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ * ************************************************************************** * Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, * a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework * Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) * and No. 605243 (GN3plus), Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme * under Grant Agreements No. 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2). * On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is * the sole owner of the copyright in all material which was developed * by a member of the GÉANT project. * GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of * Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates * in the UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging. * * Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK * * License: see the web/copyright.inc.php file in the file structure or * /copyright.php after deploying the software Authors: Tomasz Wolniewicz Michał Gasewicz (Network Manager support) Contributors: Steffen Klemer https://github.com/sklemer1 ikreb7 https://github.com/ikreb7 Many thanks for multiple code fixes, feature ideas, styling remarks much of the code provided by them in the form of pull requests has been incorporated into the final form of this script. This script is the main body of the CAT Linux installer. In the generation process configuration settings are added as well as messages which are getting translated into the language selected by the user. The script runs under python3. """ import argparse import base64 import getpass import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import uuid from shutil import copyfile from typing import List, Type, Union NM_AVAILABLE = True CRYPTO_AVAILABLE = True DEBUG_ON = False parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='eduroam linux installer.') parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False, help='set debug flag') parser.add_argument('--username', '-u', action='store', dest='username', help='set username') parser.add_argument('--password', '-p', action='store', dest='password', help='set text_mode flag') parser.add_argument('--silent', '-s', action='store_true', dest='silent', help='set silent flag') parser.add_argument('--pfxfile', action='store', dest='pfx_file', help='set path to user certificate file') parser.add_argument("--wpa_conf", action='store_true', dest='wpa_conf', help='generate wpa_supplicant config file without configuring the system') ARGS = parser.parse_args() if ARGS.debug: DEBUG_ON = True print("Running debug mode") def debug(msg) -> None: """Print debugging messages to stdout""" if not DEBUG_ON: return else: print("DEBUG:" + str(msg)) def byte_to_string(barray: List) -> str: """conversion utility""" return "".join([chr(x) for x in barray]) debug(sys.version_info.major) try: import dbus except ImportError: debug("Cannot import the dbus module") NM_AVAILABLE = False try: from OpenSSL import crypto except ImportError: CRYPTO_AVAILABLE = False def detect_desktop_environment() -> str: """ Detect what desktop type is used. This method is prepared for possible future use with password encryption on supported distros the function below was partially copied from https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1139057 """ desktop_environment = 'generic' if os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') == 'true': desktop_environment = 'kde' elif os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'): desktop_environment = 'gnome' else: try: shell_command = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-root', '_DT_SAVE_MODE'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = shell_command.communicate() info = out.decode('utf-8').strip() except (OSError, RuntimeError): pass else: if ' = "xfce4"' in info: desktop_environment = 'xfce' return desktop_environment def get_system() -> List: """ Detect Linux platform. Not used at this stage. It is meant to enable password encryption in distros that can handle this well. """ system = platform.system_alias( platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.version() ) return [system, detect_desktop_environment()] def get_config_path() -> str: """ Return XDG_CONFIG_HOME path if exists otherwise $HOME/.config """ xdg_config_home_path = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') if not xdg_config_home_path: home_path = os.environ.get('HOME') return '{}/.config'.format(home_path) return xdg_config_home_path def run_installer() -> None: """ This is the main installer part. It tests for NM availability gets user credentials and starts a proper installer. """ global ARGS global NM_AVAILABLE username = '' password = '' silent = False pfx_file = '' wpa_conf = False if ARGS.username: username = ARGS.username if ARGS.password: password = ARGS.password if ARGS.silent: silent = ARGS.silent if ARGS.pfx_file: pfx_file = ARGS.pfx_file if ARGS.wpa_conf: wpa_conf = ARGS.wpa_conf debug(get_system()) debug("Calling InstallerData") installer_data = InstallerData(silent=silent, username=username, password=password, pfx_file=pfx_file) if wpa_conf: NM_AVAILABLE = False # test dbus connection if NM_AVAILABLE: config_tool = CatNMConfigTool() if config_tool.connect_to_nm() is None: NM_AVAILABLE = False if not NM_AVAILABLE and not wpa_conf: # no dbus so ask if the user will want wpa_supplicant config if installer_data.ask(Messages.save_wpa_conf, Messages.cont, 1): sys.exit(1) installer_data.get_user_cred() installer_data.save_ca() if NM_AVAILABLE: config_tool.add_connections(installer_data) else: wpa_config = WpaConf() wpa_config.create_wpa_conf(Config.ssids, installer_data) installer_data.show_info(Messages.installation_finished) class Messages(object): """ These are initial definitions of messages, but they will be overridden with translated strings. """ quit = "Really quit?" username_prompt = "enter your userid" enter_password = "enter password" enter_import_password = "enter your import password" incorrect_password = "incorrect password" repeat_password = "repeat your password" passwords_differ = "passwords do not match" installation_finished = "Installation successful" cat_dir_exists = "Directory {} exists; some of its files may be " \ "overwritten." cont = "Continue?" nm_not_supported = "This NetworkManager version is not supported" cert_error = "Certificate file not found, looks like a CAT error" unknown_version = "Unknown version" dbus_error = "DBus connection problem, a sudo might help" yes = "Y" nay = "N" p12_filter = "personal certificate file (p12 or pfx)" all_filter = "All files" p12_title = "personal certificate file (p12 or pfx)" save_wpa_conf = "NetworkManager configuration failed, " \ "but we may generate a wpa_supplicant configuration file " \ "if you wish. Be warned that your connection password will be saved " \ "in this file as clear text." save_wpa_confirm = "Write the file" wrongUsernameFormat = "Error: Your username must be of the form " \ "'xxx@institutionID' e.g. 'john@example.net'!" wrong_realm = "Error: your username must be in the form of 'xxx@{}'. " \ "Please enter the username in the correct format." wrong_realm_suffix = "Error: your username must be in the form of " \ "'xxx@institutionID' and end with '{}'. Please enter the username " \ "in the correct format." user_cert_missing = "personal certificate file not found" # "File %s exists; it will be overwritten." # "Output written to %s" class Config(object): """ This is used to prepare settings during installer generation. """ instname = "" profilename = "" url = "" email = "" title = "eduroam CAT" servers = [] ssids = [] del_ssids = [] eap_outer = '' eap_inner = '' use_other_tls_id = False server_match = '' anonymous_identity = '' CA = "" init_info = "" init_confirmation = "" tou = "" sb_user_file = "" verify_user_realm_input = False user_realm = "" hint_user_input = False class InstallerData(object): """ General user interaction handling, supports zenity, KDialog, yad and standard command-line interface """ def __init__(self, silent: bool = False, username: str = '', password: str = '', pfx_file: str = '') -> None: self.graphics = '' self.username = username self.password = password self.silent = silent self.pfx_file = pfx_file debug("starting constructor") if silent: self.graphics = 'tty' else: self.__get_graphics_support() self.show_info(Config.init_info.format(Config.instname, Config.email, Config.url)) if self.ask(Config.init_confirmation.format(Config.instname, Config.profilename), Messages.cont, 1): sys.exit(1) if Config.tou != '': if self.ask(Config.tou, Messages.cont, 1): sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(get_config_path() + '/cat_installer'): if self.ask(Messages.cat_dir_exists.format( get_config_path() + '/cat_installer'), Messages.cont, 1): sys.exit(1) else: os.mkdir(get_config_path() + '/cat_installer', 0o700) @staticmethod def save_ca() -> None: """ Save CA certificate to cat_installer directory (create directory if needed) """ certfile = get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/ca.pem' debug("saving cert") with open(certfile, 'w') as cert: cert.write(Config.CA + "\n") def ask(self, question: str, prompt: str = '', default: bool = None) -> int: """ Prompt user for a Y/N reply, possibly supplying a default answer """ if self.silent: return 0 if self.graphics == 'tty': yes = Messages.yes[:1].upper() nay = Messages.nay[:1].upper() print("\n-------\n" + question + "\n") while True: tmp = prompt + " (" + Messages.yes + "/" + Messages.nay + ") " if default == 1: tmp += "[" + yes + "]" elif default == 0: tmp += "[" + nay + "]" inp = input(tmp) if inp == '': if default == 1: return 0 if default == 0: return 1 i = inp[:1].upper() if i == yes: return 0 if i == nay: return 1 command = [] if self.graphics == "zenity": command = ['zenity', '--title=' + Config.title, '--width=500', '--question', '--text=' + question + "\n\n" + prompt] elif self.graphics == 'kdialog': command = ['kdialog', '--yesno', question + "\n\n" + prompt, '--title=', Config.title] elif self.graphics == 'yad': command = ['yad', '--image="dialog-question"', '--button=gtk-yes:0', '--button=gtk-no:1', '--width=500', '--wrap', '--text=' + question + "\n\n" + prompt, '--title=' + Config.title] returncode = subprocess.call(command, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) return returncode def show_info(self, data: str) -> None: """ Show a piece of information """ if self.silent: return if self.graphics == 'tty': print(data) return if self.graphics == "zenity": command = ['zenity', '--info', '--width=500', '--text=' + data] elif self.graphics == "kdialog": command = ['kdialog', '--msgbox', data] elif self.graphics == "yad": command = ['yad', '--button=OK', '--width=500', '--text=' + data] else: sys.exit(1) subprocess.call(command, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def confirm_exit(self) -> None: """ Confirm exit from installer """ ret = self.ask(Messages.quit) if ret == 0: sys.exit(1) def alert(self, text: str) -> None: """Generate alert message""" if self.silent: return if self.graphics == 'tty': print(text) return if self.graphics == 'zenity': command = ['zenity', '--warning', '--text=' + text] elif self.graphics == "kdialog": command = ['kdialog', '--sorry', text] elif self.graphics == "yad": command = ['yad', '--text=' + text] else: sys.exit(1) subprocess.call(command, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def prompt_nonempty_string(self, show: int, prompt: str, val: str = '') -> str: """ Prompt user for input """ if self.graphics == 'tty': if show == 0: while True: inp = str(getpass.getpass(prompt + ": ")) output = inp.strip() if output != '': return output while True: inp = input(prompt + ": ") output = inp.strip() if output != '': return output command = [] if self.graphics == 'zenity': if val == '': default_val = '' else: default_val = '--entry-text=' + val if show == 0: hide_text = '--hide-text' else: hide_text = '' command = ['zenity', '--entry', hide_text, default_val, '--width=500', '--text=' + prompt] elif self.graphics == 'kdialog': if show == 0: hide_text = '--password' else: hide_text = '--inputbox' command = ['kdialog', hide_text, prompt] elif self.graphics == 'yad': if show == 0: hide_text = ':H' else: hide_text = '' command = ['yad', '--form', '--field=' + hide_text, '--text=' + prompt, val] output = '' while not output: shell_command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = shell_command.communicate() output = out.decode('utf-8') if self.graphics == 'yad': output = output[:-2] output = output.strip() if shell_command.returncode == 1: self.confirm_exit() return output def get_user_cred(self) -> None: """ Get user credentials both username/password and personal certificate based """ if Config.eap_outer == 'PEAP' or Config.eap_outer == 'TTLS': self.__get_username_password() if Config.eap_outer == 'TLS': self.__get_p12_cred() def __get_username_password(self) -> None: """ read user password and set the password property do nothing if silent mode is set """ password = "a" password1 = "b" if self.silent: return if self.username: user_prompt = self.username elif Config.hint_user_input: user_prompt = '@' + Config.user_realm else: user_prompt = '' while True: self.username = self.prompt_nonempty_string( 1, Messages.username_prompt, user_prompt) if self.__validate_user_name(): break while password != password1: password = self.prompt_nonempty_string( 0, Messages.enter_password) password1 = self.prompt_nonempty_string( 0, Messages.repeat_password) if password != password1: self.alert(Messages.passwords_differ) self.password = password def __check_graphics(self, command) -> bool: shell_command = subprocess.Popen(['which', command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) shell_command.wait() if shell_command.returncode == 0: self.graphics = command return True else: return False def __get_graphics_support(self) -> None: if os.environ.get('DISPLAY') is not None: for cmd in ['zenity', 'kdialog', 'yad']: if self.__check_graphics(cmd) == True: return self.graphics = 'tty' def __process_p12(self) -> bool: debug('process_p12') pfx_file = get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/user.p12' if CRYPTO_AVAILABLE: debug("using crypto") try: p12 = crypto.load_pkcs12(open(pfx_file, 'rb').read(), self.password) except crypto.Error as error: debug("Incorrect password ({}).".format(error)) return False else: if Config.use_other_tls_id: return True try: self.username = p12.get_certificate(). \ get_subject().commonName except crypto.Error: self.username = p12.get_certificate().\ get_subject().emailAddress return True else: debug("using openssl") command = ['openssl', 'pkcs12', '-in', pfx_file, '-passin', 'pass:' + self.password, '-nokeys', '-clcerts'] shell_command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = shell_command.communicate() if shell_command.returncode != 0: debug("first password run failed") command1 = ['openssl', 'pkcs12', '-legacy', '-in', pfx_file, '-passin', 'pass:' + self.password, '-nokeys', '-clcerts'] shell_command1 = subprocess.Popen(command1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = shell_command1.communicate() if shell_command1.returncode != 0: return False if Config.use_other_tls_id: return True out_str = out.decode('utf-8').strip() # split only on commas that are not inside double quotes subject = re.split(r'\s*[/,]\s*(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)', re.findall(r'subject=/?(.*)$', out_str, re.MULTILINE)[0]) cert_prop = {} for field in subject: if field: cert_field = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', field) cert_prop[cert_field[0].lower()] = cert_field[1] if cert_prop['cn'] and re.search(r'@', cert_prop['cn']): debug('Using cn: ' + cert_prop['cn']) self.username = cert_prop['cn'] elif cert_prop['emailaddress'] and \ re.search(r'@', cert_prop['emailaddress']): debug('Using email: ' + cert_prop['emailaddress']) self.username = cert_prop['emailaddress'] else: self.username = '' self.alert("Unable to extract username " "from the certificate") return True def __select_p12_file(self) -> str: """ prompt user for the PFX file selection this method is not being called in the silent mode therefore there is no code for this case """ if self.graphics == 'tty': my_dir = os.listdir(".") p_count = 0 pfx_file = '' for my_file in my_dir: if my_file.endswith('.p12') or my_file.endswith('*.pfx') or \ my_file.endswith('.P12') or my_file.endswith('*.PFX'): p_count += 1 pfx_file = my_file prompt = "personal certificate file (p12 or pfx)" default = '' if p_count == 1: default = '[' + pfx_file + ']' while True: inp = input(prompt + default + ": ") output = inp.strip() if default != '' and output == '': return pfx_file default = '' if os.path.isfile(output): return output print("file not found") cert = "" if self.graphics == 'zenity': command = ['zenity', '--file-selection', '--file-filter=' + Messages.p12_filter + ' | *.p12 *.P12 *.pfx *.PFX', '--file-filter=' + Messages.all_filter + ' | *', '--title=' + Messages.p12_title] shell_command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cert, _ = shell_command.communicate() if self.graphics == 'kdialog': command = ['kdialog', '--getopenfilename', '.', '*.p12 *.P12 *.pfx *.PFX | ' + Messages.p12_filter, '--title', Messages.p12_title] shell_command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) cert, _ = shell_command.communicate() if self.graphics == 'yad': command = ['yad', '--file', '--file-filter=*.p12 *.P12 *.pfx *.PFX', '-file-filter=*', '--title=' + Messages.p12_title] shell_command = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) cert, _ = shell_command.communicate() return cert.decode('utf-8').strip() @staticmethod def __save_sb_pfx() -> None: """write the user PFX file""" cert_file = get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/user.p12' with open(cert_file, 'wb') as cert: cert.write(base64.b64decode(Config.sb_user_file)) def __get_p12_cred(self): """get the password for the PFX file""" if Config.eap_inner == 'SILVERBULLET': self.__save_sb_pfx() else: if not self.silent: self.pfx_file = self.__select_p12_file() try: copyfile(self.pfx_file, get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/user.p12') except (OSError, RuntimeError): print(Messages.user_cert_missing) sys.exit(1) if self.silent: username = self.username if not self.__process_p12(): sys.exit(1) if username: self.username = username else: while not self.password: self.password = self.prompt_nonempty_string( 0, Messages.enter_import_password) if not self.__process_p12(): self.alert(Messages.incorrect_password) self.password = '' if not self.username: self.username = self.prompt_nonempty_string( 1, Messages.username_prompt) def __validate_user_name(self) -> bool: # locate the @ character in username pos = self.username.find('@') debug("@ position: " + str(pos)) # trailing @ if pos == len(self.username) - 1: debug("username ending with @") self.alert(Messages.wrongUsernameFormat) return False # no @ at all if pos == -1: if Config.verify_user_realm_input: debug("missing realm") self.alert(Messages.wrongUsernameFormat) return False debug("No realm, but possibly correct") return True # @ at the beginning if pos == 0: debug("missing user part") self.alert(Messages.wrongUsernameFormat) return False pos += 1 if Config.verify_user_realm_input: if Config.hint_user_input: if self.username.endswith('@' + Config.user_realm, pos - 1): debug("realm equal to the expected value") return True debug("incorrect realm; expected:" + Config.user_realm) self.alert(Messages.wrong_realm.format(Config.user_realm)) return False if self.username.endswith(Config.user_realm, pos): debug("realm ends with expected suffix") return True debug("realm suffix error; expected: " + Config.user_realm) self.alert(Messages.wrong_realm_suffix.format( Config.user_realm)) return False pos1 = self.username.find('@', pos) if pos1 > -1: debug("second @ character found") self.alert(Messages.wrongUsernameFormat) return False pos1 = self.username.find('.', pos) if pos1 == pos: debug("a dot immediately after the @ character") self.alert(Messages.wrongUsernameFormat) return False debug("all passed") return True class WpaConf(object): """ Prepare and save wpa_supplicant config file """ @staticmethod def __prepare_network_block(ssid: str, user_data: Type[InstallerData]) -> str: interface = """network={ ssid=\"""" + ssid + """\" key_mgmt=WPA-EAP pairwise=CCMP group=CCMP TKIP eap=""" + Config.eap_outer + """ ca_cert=\"""" + get_config_path() + """/cat_installer/ca.pem\""""""" identity=\"""" + user_data.username + """\""""""" altsubject_match=\"""" + ";".join(Config.servers) + """\" """ if Config.eap_outer == 'PEAP' or Config.eap_outer == 'TTLS': interface += f"phase2=\"auth={Config.eap_inner}\"\n" \ f"\tpassword=\"{user_data.password}\"\n" if Config.anonymous_identity != '': interface += f"\tanonymous_identity=\"{Config.anonymous_identity}\"\n" if Config.eap_outer == 'TLS': interface += f"\tprivate_key_passwd=\"{user_data.password}\"\n" \ f"\tprivate_key=\"{os.environ.get('HOME')}/.cat_installer/user.p12" interface += "\n}" return interface def create_wpa_conf(self, ssids, user_data: Type[InstallerData]) -> None: """Create and save the wpa_supplicant config file""" wpa_conf = get_config_path() + \ '/cat_installer/cat_installer.conf' with open(wpa_conf, 'w') as conf: for ssid in ssids: net = self.__prepare_network_block(ssid, user_data) conf.write(net) class IwdConfiguration: """ support the iNet wireless daemon by Intel """ def __init__(self): self.config = "" def write_config(self) -> None: for ssid in Config.ssids: with open('/var/lib/iwd/{}.8021x'.format(ssid), 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(self.config) def _create_eap_pwd_config(self, ssid: str, user_data: Type[InstallerData]) -> None: """ create EAP-PWD configuration """ self.conf = """ [Security] EAP-Method=PWD EAP-Identity={username} EAP-Password={password} [Settings] AutoConnect=True """.format(username=user_data.username, password=user_data.password) def _create_eap_peap_config(self, ssid: str, user_data: Type[InstallerData]) -> None: """ create EAP-PEAP configuration """ self.conf = """ [Security] EAP-Method=PEAP EAP-Identity={anonymous_identity} EAP-PEAP-CACert={ca_cert} EAP-PEAP-ServerDomainMask={servers} EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Method=MSCHAPV2 EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Identity={username}@{realm} EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Password={password} [Settings] AutoConnect=true """.format(anonymous_identity=Config.anonymous_identity, ca_cert=Config.CA, servers=Config.servers, username=user_data.username, realm=Config.user_realm, password=user_data.password) def _create_ttls_pap_config(self, ssid: str, user_data: Type[InstallerData]) -> None: """ create TTLS-PAP configuration""" self.conf = """ [Security] EAP-Method=TTLS EAP-Identity={anonymous_identity} EAP-TTLS-CACert={ca_cert} EAP-TTLS-ServerDomainMask={servers} EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Method=Tunneled-PAP EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Identity={username}@{realm} EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Password={password} [Settings] AutoConnect=true """.format(anonymous_identity=Config.anonymous_identity, ca_cert=Config.CA, servers=Config.servers, username=user_data.username, realm=Config.user_realm, password=user_data.password) class CatNMConfigTool(object): """ Prepare and save NetworkManager configuration """ def __init__(self): self.cacert_file = None self.settings_service_name = None self.connection_interface_name = None self.system_service_name = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" self.nm_version = None self.pfx_file = None self.settings = None self.user_data = None self.bus = None def connect_to_nm(self) -> Union[bool, None]: """ connect to DBus """ try: self.bus = dbus.SystemBus() except AttributeError: # since dbus existed but is empty we have an empty package # this gets shipped by pyqt5 print("DBus not properly installed") return None except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: print("Can't connect to DBus") return None # check NM version self.__check_nm_version() debug("NM version: " + self.nm_version) if self.nm_version == "0.9" or self.nm_version == "1.0": self.settings_service_name = self.system_service_name self.connection_interface_name = \ "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection" # settings proxy sysproxy = self.bus.get_object( self.settings_service_name, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings") # settings interface self.settings = dbus.Interface(sysproxy, "org.freedesktop." "NetworkManager.Settings") elif self.nm_version == "0.8": self.settings_service_name = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" self.connection_interface_name = "org.freedesktop.NetworkMana" \ "gerSettings.Connection" # settings proxy sysproxy = self.bus.get_object( self.settings_service_name, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings") # settings interface self.settings = dbus.Interface( sysproxy, "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings") else: print(Messages.nm_not_supported) return None debug("NM connection worked") return True def __check_opts(self) -> None: """ set certificate files paths and test for existence of the CA cert """ self.cacert_file = get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/ca.pem' self.pfx_file = get_config_path() + '/cat_installer/user.p12' if not os.path.isfile(self.cacert_file): print(Messages.cert_error) sys.exit(2) def __check_nm_version(self) -> None: """ Get the NetworkManager version """ try: proxy = self.bus.get_object( self.system_service_name, "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager") props = dbus.Interface(proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") version = props.Get("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", "Version") except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: version = "" if re.match(r'^1\.', version): self.nm_version = "1.0" return if re.match(r'^0\.9', version): self.nm_version = "0.9" return if re.match(r'^0\.8', version): self.nm_version = "0.8" return self.nm_version = Messages.unknown_version def __delete_existing_connection(self, ssid: str) -> None: """ checks and deletes earlier connection """ try: conns = self.settings.ListConnections() except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: print(Messages.dbus_error) exit(3) for each in conns: con_proxy = self.bus.get_object(self.system_service_name, each) connection = dbus.Interface( con_proxy, "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection") try: connection_settings = connection.GetSettings() if connection_settings['connection']['type'] == '802-11-' \ 'wireless': conn_ssid = byte_to_string( connection_settings['802-11-wireless']['ssid']) if conn_ssid == ssid: debug("deleting connection: " + conn_ssid) connection.Delete() except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: pass def __add_connection(self, ssid: str) -> None: debug("Adding connection: " + ssid) server_alt_subject_name_list = dbus.Array(Config.servers) server_name = Config.server_match if self.nm_version == "0.9" or self.nm_version == "1.0": match_key = 'altsubject-matches' match_value = server_alt_subject_name_list else: match_key = 'subject-match' match_value = server_name s_8021x_data = { 'eap': [Config.eap_outer.lower()], 'identity': self.user_data.username, 'ca-cert': dbus.ByteArray( "file://{0}\0".format(self.cacert_file).encode('utf8')), match_key: match_value} if Config.eap_outer == 'PEAP' or Config.eap_outer == 'TTLS': s_8021x_data['password'] = self.user_data.password s_8021x_data['phase2-auth'] = Config.eap_inner.lower() if Config.anonymous_identity != '': s_8021x_data['anonymous-identity'] = Config.anonymous_identity s_8021x_data['password-flags'] = 0 if Config.eap_outer == 'TLS': s_8021x_data['client-cert'] = dbus.ByteArray( "file://{0}\0".format(self.pfx_file).encode('utf8')) s_8021x_data['private-key'] = dbus.ByteArray( "file://{0}\0".format(self.pfx_file).encode('utf8')) s_8021x_data['private-key-password'] = self.user_data.password s_8021x_data['private-key-password-flags'] = 0 s_con = dbus.Dictionary({ 'type': '802-11-wireless', 'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'permissions': ['user:' + os.environ.get('USER')], 'id': ssid }) s_wifi = dbus.Dictionary({ 'ssid': dbus.ByteArray(ssid.encode('utf8')), 'security': '802-11-wireless-security' }) s_wsec = dbus.Dictionary({ 'key-mgmt': 'wpa-eap', 'proto': ['rsn'], 'pairwise': ['ccmp'], 'group': ['ccmp', 'tkip'] }) s_8021x = dbus.Dictionary(s_8021x_data) s_ip4 = dbus.Dictionary({'method': 'auto'}) s_ip6 = dbus.Dictionary({'method': 'auto'}) con = dbus.Dictionary({ 'connection': s_con, '802-11-wireless': s_wifi, '802-11-wireless-security': s_wsec, '802-1x': s_8021x, 'ipv4': s_ip4, 'ipv6': s_ip6 }) self.settings.AddConnection(con) def add_connections(self, user_data: Type[InstallerData]): """Delete and then add connections to the system""" self.__check_opts() self.user_data = user_data for ssid in Config.ssids: self.__delete_existing_connection(ssid) self.__add_connection(ssid) for ssid in Config.del_ssids: self.__delete_existing_connection(ssid) Messages.quit = "Really quit?" Messages.username_prompt = "enter your userid" Messages.enter_password = "enter password" Messages.enter_import_password = "enter your import password" Messages.incorrect_password = "incorrect password" Messages.repeat_password = "repeat your password" Messages.passwords_differ = "passwords do not match" Messages.installation_finished = "Installation successful" Messages.cat_dir_exisits = "Directory {} exists; some of its files may " \ "be overwritten." Messages.cont = "Continue?" Messages.nm_not_supported = "This NetworkManager version is not " \ "supported" Messages.cert_error = "Certificate file not found, looks like a CAT " \ "error" Messages.unknown_version = "Unknown version" Messages.dbus_error = "DBus connection problem, a sudo might help" Messages.yes = "Y" Messages.no = "N" Messages.p12_filter = "personal certificate file (p12 or pfx)" Messages.all_filter = "All files" Messages.p12_title = "personal certificate file (p12 or pfx)" Messages.save_wpa_conf = "NetworkManager configuration failed, but we " \ "may generate a wpa_supplicant configuration file if you wish. Be " \ "warned that your connection password will be saved in this file as " \ "clear text." Messages.save_wpa_confirm = "Write the file" Messages.wrongUsernameFormat = "Error: Your username must be of the " \ "form 'xxx@institutionID' e.g. 'john@example.net'!" Messages.wrong_realm = "Error: your username must be in the form of " \ "'xxx@{}'. Please enter the username in the correct format." Messages.wrong_realm_suffix = "Error: your username must be in the " \ "form of 'xxx@institutionID' and end with '{}'. Please enter the " \ "username in the correct format." Messages.user_cert_missing = "personal certificate file not found" Config.instname = "University of Sussex" Config.profilename = "eduroam" Config.url = "http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its" Config.email = "support@sussex.ac.uk" Config.title = "eduroam CAT" Config.server_match = "radius.sussex.ac.uk" Config.eap_outer = "TTLS" Config.eap_inner = "MSCHAPV2" Config.init_info = "This installer has been prepared for {0}\n\nMore " \ "information and comments:\n\nEMAIL: {1}\nWWW: {2}\n\nInstaller created " \ "with software from the GEANT project." Config.init_confirmation = "This installer will only work properly if " \ "you are a member of {0} and the user group: {1}." Config.user_realm = "sussex.ac.uk" Config.ssids = ['eduroam'] Config.del_ssids = ['O2 Wifi', 'sussex-wifi-setup', 'sussex-wifi-setup*'] Config.servers = ['DNS:radius.sussex.ac.uk'] Config.use_other_tls_id = False Config.anonymous_identity = "anonymous@sussex.ac.uk" Config.hint_user_input = True Config.verify_user_realm_input = True Config.tou = "" Config.CA = """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEMjCCAxqgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADB7MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjEb MBkGA1UECAwSR3JlYXRlciBNYW5jaGVzdGVyMRAwDgYDVQQHDAdTYWxmb3JkMRow GAYDVQQKDBFDb21vZG8gQ0EgTGltaXRlZDEhMB8GA1UEAwwYQUFBIENlcnRpZmlj YXRlIFNlcnZpY2VzMB4XDTA0MDEwMTAwMDAwMFoXDTI4MTIzMTIzNTk1OVowezEL MAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgMEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4GA1UE BwwHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UECgwRQ29tb2RvIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxITAfBgNVBAMM GEFBQSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBTZXJ2aWNlczCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP ADCCAQoCggEBAL5AnfRu4ep2hxxNRUSOvkbIgwadwSr+GB+O5AL686tdUIoWMQua BtDFcCLNSS1UY8y2bmhGC1Pqy0wkwLxyTurxFa70VJoSCsN6sjNg4tqJVfMiWPPe 3M/vg4aijJRPn2jymJBGhCfHdr/jzDUsi14HZGWCwEiwqJH5YZ92IFCokcdmtet4 YgNW8IoaE+oxox6gmf049vYnMlhvB/VruPsUK6+3qszWY19zjNoFmag4qMsXeDZR rOme9Hg6jc8P2ULimAyrL58OAd7vn5lJ8S3frHRNG5i1R8XlKdH5kBjHYpy+g8cm ez6KJcfA3Z3mNWgQIJ2P2N7Sw4ScDV7oL8kCAwEAAaOBwDCBvTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU oBEKIz6W8Qfs4q8p74Klf9AwpLQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQF MAMBAf8wewYDVR0fBHQwcjA4oDagNIYyaHR0cDovL2NybC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20v QUFBQ2VydGlmaWNhdGVTZXJ2aWNlcy5jcmwwNqA0oDKGMGh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuY29t b2RvLm5ldC9BQUFDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZVNlcnZpY2VzLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUF AAOCAQEACFb8AvCb6P+k+tZ7xkSAzk/ExfYAWMymtrwUSWgEdujm7l3sAg9g1o1Q GE8mTgHj5rCl7r+8dFRBv/38ErjHT1r0iWAFf2C3BUrz9vHCv8S5dIa2LX1rzNLz Rt0vxuBqw8M0Ayx9lt1awg6nCpnBBYurDC/zXDrPbDdVCYfeU0BsWO/8tqtlbgT2 G9w84FoVxp7Z8VlIMCFlA2zs6SFz7JsDoeA3raAVGI/6ugLOpyypEBMs1OUIJqsi l2D4kF501KKaU73yqWjgom7C12yxow+ev+to51byrvLjKzg6CYG1a4XXvi3tPxq3 smPi9WIsgtRqAEFQ8TmDn5XpNpaYbg== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFgTCCBGmgAwIBAgIQOXJEOvkit1HX02wQ3TE1lTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADB7 MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjEbMBkGA1UECAwSR3JlYXRlciBNYW5jaGVzdGVyMRAwDgYD VQQHDAdTYWxmb3JkMRowGAYDVQQKDBFDb21vZG8gQ0EgTGltaXRlZDEhMB8GA1UE AwwYQUFBIENlcnRpZmljYXRlIFNlcnZpY2VzMB4XDTE5MDMxMjAwMDAwMFoXDTI4 MTIzMTIzNTk1OVowgYgxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpOZXcgSmVyc2V5 MRQwEgYDVQQHEwtKZXJzZXkgQ2l0eTEeMBwGA1UEChMVVGhlIFVTRVJUUlVTVCBO ZXR3b3JrMS4wLAYDVQQDEyVVU0VSVHJ1c3QgUlNBIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0 aG9yaXR5MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAgBJlFzYOw9sI s9CsVw127c0n00ytUINh4qogTQktZAnczomfzD2p7PbPwdzx07HWezcoEStH2jnG vDoZtF+mvX2do2NCtnbyqTsrkfjib9DsFiCQCT7i6HTJGLSR1GJk23+jBvGIGGqQ Ijy8/hPwhxR79uQfjtTkUcYRZ0YIUcuGFFQ/vDP+fmyc/xadGL1RjjWmp2bIcmfb IWax1Jt4A8BQOujM8Ny8nkz+rwWWNR9XWrf/zvk9tyy29lTdyOcSOk2uTIq3XJq0 tyA9yn8iNK5+O2hmAUTnAU5GU5szYPeUvlM3kHND8zLDU+/bqv50TmnHa4xgk97E xwzf4TKuzJM7UXiVZ4vuPVb+DNBpDxsP8yUmazNt925H+nND5X4OpWaxKXwyhGNV icQNwZNUMBkTrNN9N6frXTpsNVzbQdcS2qlJC9/YgIoJk2KOtWbPJYjNhLixP6Q5 D9kCnusSTJV882sFqV4Wg8y4Z+LoE53MW4LTTLPtW//e5XOsIzstAL81VXQJSdhJ 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iDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCk5ldyBKZXJzZXkxFDASBgNVBAcTC0pl cnNleSBDaXR5MR4wHAYDVQQKExVUaGUgVVNFUlRSVVNUIE5ldHdvcmsxLjAsBgNV BAMTJVVTRVJUcnVzdCBSU0EgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMjAw MjE4MDAwMDAwWhcNMzMwNTAxMjM1OTU5WjBEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJOTDEZMBcGA1UE ChMQR0VBTlQgVmVyZW5pZ2luZzEaMBgGA1UEAxMRR0VBTlQgRVYgUlNBIENBIDQw ggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCfQj5WwXIGcoT7zvITdpnR 8P7auxwyAmBFjTtOksiLjlXP62wum102dz70U1cvdWnrK3e32SyVHIvVVJRIeUIl q9cRj38gd/4t/e2etn+tpHUtL9wK5AIXs9tpIjEnw4UlcpLsVpLEiyc1Sc2XtwbC or7MMrOB4qVucNPF+GQHWi/Vnss5zLVzXlfuJ7A5Efx1lSeWvMkNDdHxxuv62yYs j+FEiY1IXjV1WyWxTlseJcazDUciw7LMK30Tp9smdONuPX6rwEVSTUiC3QzbwNaP 4C1Um2yAEbdve4Ru/qURloHud5LkBaJTm2+MDJz+yHZf4g7lvKpbcKrf59Jg8h02 sRipT6GA3cjpgB5RU5bnXFkn4kpT2+/P25HQFeg0lyKw8dFm864sn8a37GrWviOC TOCWtrrSxtvLvCy9axxgc9btrA596rMKrw2tpp42KPPRXHjaVqfLf6Wj2SCynFWx +insGBIikpbxxOdrt4qGEDgVdSOCN9f3b6CgyTs7PD5KlUiei05Cg7sbX/Zi9DE0 8782f4SGsZtyn4G/rMIqxyZ8SfyQZV17c+zNkttdy93iQv+IlNJGalCM56Mmkv5n 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5/4aIAEG9a9azLTKxTktcKOEJCOzdVIhNC/b6jrCFD7vR9v/dTI8zX9Ol1cK2nms k/uD5CZcvMZ6Rh/D7AS7B8dWODbN3nQPzucgdION4KHvJJe1G2SxDe+5MQO4CbwI WI5U+OnxKTP3vlJv2CxvP/+4Drf3hkp7YvVSZnmc9KlOeDvdC3Om9jNSw3njrEde foNq1eeeV89hCWKKdn05kpyitOiy7pTJJuDgVs64YGaSdQZG0E4m1bMSo13cQxYg J6EY3nagUJyiLzdMNuhbKlj2oXxjGLgUXYJJgSnnjqK7ldTbJDXK/qVX0gQSOr1b 72T77sRtDcLsmkh7hYi6a+QwKARgmMLZjDirRS6ovWtH60yG2rkxBw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- """ if __name__ == '__main__': run_installer()