Sussex 2025

Investing in our people

There are a number of ways in which we are continuing to invest in our people.

Sussex's Dignity and Respect (D&R) policy was launched in October last year - a key policy, building on our core values, setting out how we can all expect to be treated.

Since then we have recruited a number of D&R champions across the University so staff will be able to seek support and advice from someone who is not their line manager or in a position of seniority. 

In the past few months this network of D&R champions has been developing as they work on co-creating - and undertaking - training.

The new D&R champions network is expected to be launched in September once fully trained and will build on work to support a positive and inclusive campus culture. 

We are developing a number of new HR policies and guidance (e.g. flexible working) for our staff and managers to support them while working remotely, or in different ways.

We have also invested in LinkedIn Learning, a great resource which offers staff professional and personal development opportunities.