Sussex 2025

Interactive student activity

In November 2016 we held an interactive activities day for students, to ensure that the next generation of Sussex students would be able to benefit from the advice and experience of our current students.

The interactive drop-in sessions aimed to garner opinions on several themes that had developed from the ‘big vision’ ideas that 200 students had shared as part of the ‘We are Sussex’ surveys.

A number of activities and discussions took place in Falmer House and East Slope Bar, with the aim of delving deeper into what current students wanted to see for the students of the future.

Alongside the student drop-ins, a live art project took place outside Falmer House.

Two artists, who created a giant mural using only marker pens, asked students to tell them what makes Sussex the place that it is.

No idea was off limits, but we asked students to try to think about what makes Sussex great and what they would like to see in the future.

students making artwork during Strategy 2025 consultation autumn 2016