Broadcast: News items

Obituary: Professor Jonathan Harvey

Posted on behalf of: Music department

Last updated: Friday, 7 December 2012

Jonathan was a huge figure in CCS and in the Music Department in the mid-late 80s when I studied here.  Truly inspirational.  He will be missed.

From Elizabeth Kaye on 7 December 2012
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Yes, I remember him when I was a student volunteering at the Gardner Arts Centre where he set up his electronic music studio, his presence at CCE meetings later when I worked there and his presence in Lewes where we had mutual friends. What a gentle,thoughtful, quiet man who made great music. My thoughts go to Rosalie and their family.

Nannette Aldred

From Nannette Aldred on 10 December 2012
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I was privileged to direct Jonathan's millenium opera at the Royal Albert Hall MOTHERS SHALL NOT CRY. It was especially inspiring to work with him on it throughout. He was so dedicated, so concentrated and so creative to be with, and yet always made time for the human contact. So pleased he is at last getting the proper recognition in the UK he has long deserved and always had abroad.

From Faynia Roberta Williams on 10 December 2012
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