Name: Yamar Dione


Project Name: Renal Failure Lifestyle Garment:  Fits-u Fistula Protection Garment


Project Info: My Final year project is a Design with the intention to empower individuals who suffer from renal failure. This is a condition where the body cannot purify the blood because of impaired Kidney Function. To make up for the loss of this natural function, patients use a dialysis machine to rid their bodies of impurities. To do this an organic access point is created by surgeons, in the arm of the individual. This is called an Arteriovenous Fistula.  This portion of the arm is incredibly delicate and bruises easily upon impact. This is damage that is detrimental. Unlike normal circumstances involving impact to the arm, an access arm swells and can potentially be too bruised to apply needles for dialysis. I decided that this was a threat too significant, one that provided an opportunity to design something that could really impact on the way someone could control their lives. I came up with Fits-U the Fistula Protection Garment. It is a slip on sleeve that is used during situations where accidents are probable. It allows the user to feel secure based upon their own discretion. The sleeve features an intelligent Polymer layer that reacts to impact. It is suitable for sport, exercise or even daily activities like shopping or moving house! The user defines when they feel their access arm could do with extra protection and easily slips the protector on.


Bio: My name is Yamar Dione, I am twenty one years old and have been studying product design at the university of Sussex for the past three years. Over this time I have developed a propensity to design with a humanitarian mentality. I strive to incorporate aspects into my designs that can have positive social and developmental repercussions.  Some of my previous work has surrounded the themes of water purification; the reduction of energy consumption and educational website concepts.

For me design is the combination of an outlet to focus creativity and an opportunity to use resources to better situations. I enjoy using design to spread a message or more importantly deliver a useful function, be that lifesaving or thought provoking.

In the future I hope to develop some of my earlier concepts. Making some of my ideas into tangible realities is one of my biggest aims as a designer.


Design by Will Brett

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