Name: Poppy Dorans


Project Name: Pop-up Shop Design


Project Info: Since the recession has hit many high street shops are closing on a daily basis and businesses are struggling to make money. The pop-up shop concept offers a retail solution for businesses that want to set up a temporary flash sale during peak selling times in the year. When the sales are over this flat pack unit can be packed up and stored easily ready for the next time. Using a no glue no screw method it allows for easy assembly and storage.


Bio: Brighton based product and graphic designer with an interest in branding and advertising. After doing a placement year working for a Brighton based furniture design company I got some hands on experience in the design process of making eco friendly furniture in the workshop. I also did a lot of work experience helping with branding and web design for the company. Graphics and branding is now a huge passion of mine and I would like to tie this in with my product design skills.



Design by Will Brett

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