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Jacques Keogh

Bsc Product Design



The generation of user friendly product to aid and assist everyday cyclists

Today around 3.2 million British adults cycle regularly, this number is still rising possibly due to spiralling fuel costs and a greater public awareness of the damage that fossil fuels are doing to our planet. Either way I feel that cycling is something that should be encouraged to improve global quality of life.

The main attraction of cycling for me is the freedom that it provides. On a bicycle you can travel vast distances in a fraction of the time that it would take to walk. It also keeps you fit and healthy if it is done regularly.

This is why I have decided to create a product which will make the use of bicycles easier for a wide range of users.

Recent statistics show that in the UK a bicycle is stolen every 71 seconds. When they are left unattended bicycles are the perfect target for thieves and opportunists. Bicycle locks are often expensive, heavy and have poor semiotics.

I have tried to design a low cost practical security system which reduces the potential for human error and maximizes usability and security.