

Antonio Ruiz

beaches of Persia collects, amplifies, processes Persia West’s memories from her journey ‘back to a place of peace, through jungles of identities, computer programming, shame, Australian Flamenco guitarists and millipedes the size of dogs!’.

More than finding it, Persia unexpectedly arrives at her place while on a Spanish beach one morning forty years ago when she was still a young boy wandering about. beaches of Persia reflects on how the struggle in dealing with her (their) identity, gender being only the start of it, helped to shape her (their) feeling of self and the life she has led since that morning.

Embracing the pain of believing herself lost, the helplessness of ever carrying her (their) own worst judge and the initial terror of paradox, Persia learns some things that may well serve any of us (you) to be happier... even if we (you) happen to be white, straight and well-off.

Producer: Antonio Ruiz [,]
Photographers: Gregory Petropoulos & Esmeralda Momferatou



Hannah Robertson

The journey of a personal quest to find out if dreams have any relation to reality. Is the ordinary in fact extraordinary? The journey travels through spiritual, psychological and biological paths, hearing both personal and professional opinions as to whether our dreams hold meaning, using various methods of interpretation. Combining interviews from psychic mediums, spiritual mediums, psychodynamic counsellors and psychologists, the focus of the project is to discover the meaning of a recurrent dream I have had since childhood. Gaining different perspectives on the same dream will I be provided with a conclusive, generic answer? The piece takes on a radio art style, creating a dream-like world through the medium of sound. It provides juxtaposition between the factual content of the interviews and the radio art style of the piece, combining fantasy with reality, reflecting the dream theme.

Producer: Hannah Robertson []



Wen Xiong

This project was inspired by the fact that nowadays, outnumber of British people away from churches or beliefs; however, on the other hand, Chinese Christians is growing vastly, Chinese missionary even has been already building churches and holding Christian missions overseas for decades. This huge reverse captives my attention, and pushed me to complete this project.

The project is based on one particular Mandarin Christian fellowship in Brighton. The leader of this fellowship missionary, Mary, will be introducing the history of this fellowship and telling you what kind of challenges they are facing. Also each fellowship member is going to sharing their own unique story of how they became a Christian overseas.

Regarding to this changing situation of Christian religion, Mary and the professor from Sussex University will be giving their opinion from religious and academic prospective. Hoping this project could remind you to think about this phenomenon, and further toward the meaning of life.

Producer: Wen Xiong []



Julia Ruzicka

Time is an entity that we all at some point have been at odds with, an infinite measure that has been contemplated by mankind for thousands of years and continues to be at the forefront of our existence. This radio programme takes on a very personal narrative which sets out to tackle not only the producer’s personal problems with time and time management but through a collection of explorative interviews with friends, family, academics and professionals also aims to draw on other people’s experiences with time, be it positive or negative, to hopefully extrapolate some main causes behind time issues in general and collect ideas on time expenditure and value.

The content in this piece also incorporates broader links to time related stress looking at topics such as the effects of modern communication on our day to day existence, economic based theories, competition driven, “faster” world ideologies, psychological theories, media influence and philosophical approaches to time. This personal plight aims to mirthfully uncover core issues which may be at the heart of this increasingly frustrating personal problem. Through making this programme, the producer hopes it may provide some resolve to her issue. Will it? Only time will tell.

Producer: Julia Ruzicka []
