b u l l e t i n the University of Sussex newsletter

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Cyril Squirrel

Your favourite rodent welcomes you to another year on our glorious campus. The long hot summer has finally ended, the Open University has returned to Milton Keynes, the nuts are all garnered and the term has begun.

There was a time, I am told, when summers were rather quiet, but what with the spiralling ramifications of the Dearing Report and that nice Mr Blunkett's clever ideas about how to make us solvent without spending any government money, the campus has been in a spin throughout the long vac. I have my own ideas about these issues but, as space is so tight in this first Bulletin, more on this anon.

For now, a small treat for those who enjoy the simple pleasures of disorientation. Go to the middle of North-South Road, look at the new finger post which directs you to Chichester II and then go and find a building with something similar written on it. If you're back in time, I'll see you again soon.

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Friday October 10th 1997

Information Office internalcomms@sussex.ac.uk