Image of the RealPlayer large play button When looking at an audio page, pressing the large play button plays the entire audio. 
Image of the RealPlayer small play button Pressing one of the smaller play buttons plays just that section of the audio.

Use the main console and the buttons below to control the audio. (Only available in frames- and javascript-enabled browsers.) The main controls are much like that of an ordinary cassette player: play, pause, stop, rewind, forward and volume.
Image of the RealPlayer control panel

Note: You must first press a play button on the main audio page before the console controls work properly. The audio scroll bar can only be used to move within the current audio clip.

The repeat button:
  • To repeat the last second of audio, click the repeat button.
  • To record a longer period of audio, click the repeat button and hold it down - releasing the button then replays that section. 
  • To repeat the same section over and over, each time a replayed section is ending, click the repeat button again to repeat the same section.

Note: You may use the pause button and the slider on the main console to position the audio at exactly the point you wish to start. Depressing the repeat button then automatically starts the audio playing and 'recording'.

Audio skip buttons
These buttons are only used while a series of audio clips is playing, i.e. if you are listening to the whole audio text. Click them to skip to the previous or next clip respectively.
The help button
Displays these instructions 

Use your browser's back button to return to the previous page.