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Agresso User Group sessions “a great success”

Staff in the Finance Division have said that the first sessions of the newly formed Agresso User Group have been “a great success”. The team is now using the feedback to make a number of changes to the Agresso finance system.

Jenny Everitt, Deputy Director of Finance, said: “A cross section of staff attended the sessions and gave some excellent feedback on the finance system and we are delighted that we have been able to make a number of changes as a result.”

These changes include:

  • new research budget reports for all principal and co-investigators, which automatically produces a full financial statement for all associated research projects
  • removal of the 2% ‘out of tolerance check’ for purchase invoices. Now, only invoices that differ from the order by £5 or more require a second approval
  • increase in password expiry length, so users need to enter a new password only every six months.

Additional feedback specifically on expenses is now being considered, including:

  • making expenses claims easier by sending email alerts
  • increasing the number of expense types available
  • reviewing the approval route
  • improving the printed summary report
  • removing unwanted fields from the expenses form.

The Finance Systems team has also further improved guidance and training for staff, including doubling the number of training sessions on offer to train around 60 people a month.

A comprehensive and user-friendly list of frequently asked questions was published in March and has been well received. One staff member said that they would “look there first next time I have a problem”.

The feedback on the training sessions has also been positive. One staff member commented that the training was “really helpful from the point of view of a completely new user”, while another valued being able to meet the “friendly team behind Agresso”.

For more information on these changes and what is planned for future months, read the latest Agresso newsletter.