b u l l e t i n the University of Sussex newsletter

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What's on...
Monday 3 March - Sunday 9 March

Lectures, Seminars, Colloquia

Monday 3rd March

12.30pm Sussex Continuing Education Research Forum: Adult education and community development in Sussex. Pam Coare, Anne Bellis and Mike Boice, room D310.

1pm Laboratory of Experimental Psychology: A complete model of person identification. Mike Burton (Glasgow), Biology Lecture Room.

2pm CulCom - Telling Stories: A theory of narrative across the arts and media. Noel Carroll (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Gardner Centre Theatre.

2pm Particle Physics Seminar: Inhomogeneities in string cosmological models and in higher dimensional theories. M. Giovannini (Damtp), room PB2A1.

3pm Falmer Language Group Seminar: Bi-lingualism in Britain 400-600. Andrew Breeze (Pamplona), room A155.

4.30pm Neuroscience Seminar: Aberrant cytoskeletal phosphorylation: a pathogenic mechanism in neurodegenerative disease. Chris Miller (Institute of Psychiatry, University of London), Biology Lecture Theatre.

5pm Women's Studies Graduate Division Seminars: "Poisoning the Blood of the Nation": Prostitution and the `conditioning of England' question in 19th Century texts. Sabine Schulting, room D730.

Tuesday 4 March

9.30am CulCom follow-up Seminar for Telling Stories Lecture: A theory of narrative across the arts and media. Essex House Conference Room.

11.30am Idea of Europe special lecture series: Kinetic memories. Professor Gabriel Josipovici, Arts A2.

12.30pm Sussex Life Histories Research Seminar: Interviewing eco-feminists on the west coast of Canada. Niamh Moore, University Library Seminar Room 122.

4.15pm Biochemistry and Genetics and Development Seminar: Signalling by Epstein Barr virus oncogene LMP-1. Dr. Martin Rowe (University of Wales College of Medicine), Biology Lecture Theatre.

5pm German Research Colloquium: Gershom and his brethren: the story of Scholem family. Renee Goddard (East Sussex), room A155.

5pm American Studies Open Seminar: Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is the other fellow's doxy: dualism, multiculturalism and Ishmael Reed's art of oppositionality. Simon Booy, room D730.

5pm Social Anthropology Graduate/Faculty Seminar: Culture, technology and ownership: the Expo 92. Dr. Penny Harvey (Manchester), room A71.

Wednesday 5 March

11.30am Plant Science Seminar: UVB and environmental change: consequences for plants. Andy McCleod (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology), AFRC room 1B.

1pm IDS and Poverty Research Unit Seminar: Child poverty and social exclusion in Eastern Europe. Judith Harwin, IDS room 221.

1.30pm SCOAP Seminar: Orbital, angular momentum of the photon and its interaction with matter. Prof. Les Allen (Essex and St. Andrews), room PB2A2.

2pm Queory: Lesbian and Gay Studies Seminar: A brief history of FagPop: from liberance to liberation. Richard Smith (Gay Times), Arts A71.

2pm South Asia Workshop: Cultural crisis among the middle class in Thailand. Heather Montgomery, room C337.

2pm International Relations and Politics Seminar: The political economy of trade. Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey (LSE), EDB room 125.

3.30pm USIE/GRCE Faculty Research Seminar: Evaluating the role of the work of the TTA. Ian Hextall (Roehampton Institute), room B347.

4pm CMAIA Colloquium: Solitons in optically birefringent fibres. J. Elgin (Imperial), SMS room PB1A1.

4pm Music Research Seminar: Composers and painters: American abstract expressionists and their relationship to Cage, Feldman and friends. Dave Ryan (Chelsea School of Art), Recital Room, Falmer House.

5pm English Graduate Colloquium: The negro anthology: Nancy Cunard, modernism and race. Carole Sweeney, room D640.

Thursday 6 March

10.15am Algebra Seminar: The number of points on an algebraic curve over a finite field. J.W.P. Hirschfeld, AFRC 1D.

12.30pm Postgraduate History and Gender Seminar: Sexual knowledge and the English, 1918-1973. Hera Cook, room D730.

2pm Centre for Statistics and Stochastic Modelling: Using nonparametric regression to detect trends over time. Gareth Ambler (Royal Postgraduate Medical School), room PB2A2.

4pm Laboratory of Experimental Psychology: Children's relationships and the development of social understanding and adjustment. Judy Dunn, Biology Lecture Room, EP 3.9.

4pm Research Seminar in Geography: Flexibility, specialisation and risk in the Sahel. Bill Adams (Cambridge), room D610.

5pm History Work-in-Progress Seminar: The past castrated: Georges Mauco, assimilation and the French liberation. Karen Adler, room A155.

5pm Sussex Development Lectures: Removing poverty: is economic growth the answer? Michael Lipton, room A1.

5pm Social and Political Thought: Human nature in socialist thought. Peter McLaverty (Politics and Public Policy, Luton), room D630.

Friday 7 March

2pm SPRU Seminar: What does climate change mean for a farmer in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. Dr. Mick Kelly (Climate Research Unit, UEA), EDB room 121.

4pm COGS Seminar: Coherence in thought and language. Paul Thagard (University of Waterloo, Canada), room PB2A2.

4pm Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminar: Anisotropic diffuse interface theories. Adam Wheeler (Southampton), SMS room PB1A1.

4pm Astronomy Centre Seminar: Unique white dwarfs accompanying recycled pulsars. M. van Kerkwijk (Cambridge), room PB1A7.

4.30pm Philosophy Society Meeting: Perpetual noise: thinking about media regulation. James Donald, room A155.


Undergraduate History Forum

2pm Wednesday 19 February: Mr Roger Davie of the East Sussex County Record Office will speak and also work through a practical will reading exercise. Room A155 all welcome. Convenor Judith Kinnison.

Six-a-Side Soccer

10am Saturday 8 March: At the Playing Fields. Prizes and trophy to be won. Max. 10 teams. Call 3950 or 8230.

Stop Smoking Day!

3.30pm Wednesday12 March: Why not join other would-be quitters at a meeting, at the Health Centre with nurse Val, just for a chat, or to plan a quit group for next term. If you are busy that day, phone 678192 and ask for an appointment with Val.

The Language Centre

Easter A Level Courses

Three day courses in Spanish, French and German to practise speaking and listening skills. 9, 10, and 11 April. £60. Closing date 14 March. For details and more information contact Cathrine Rees ext. 2016 or 8006.

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Friday February 28th 1997

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