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Bulletin - 22 February 2008

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Second year opinions sought in new survey

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SSES postcard.jpg

Second year undergraduates can make their views count when a new survey launches at Sussex next month.

The Sussex Student Experience Survey (SSES) goes live on 3 March, providing students with an opportunity to express their opinion about the quality of their experience at Sussex.

The SSES was developed by a group that included academics, administrative staff and the Students' Union and was initially piloted last summer. The University has now decided to make the survey available to all second year undergraduates.

The main purpose of the survey is to provide the University with a comprehensive picture of students’ experiences at Sussex. A public report will be produced based on the findings from the survey, summarizing the major results, identifying the main areas of concern as well as formulating action plans to improve the quality of student experience in the immediate future.

The University wants as many students as possible participating in the survey and departments are in the process of developing their own publicity action plans. In addition, flyers and posters will be distributed across campus.

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