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Bulletin - 22nd April 2005

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Design guidelines now online
Full guidelines for the design and presentation of University materials are now available online. The site is particularly useful for people putting together printed material (such as publications, course information or advertising) and includes advice on which fonts to use, the Sussex colour palette and even a suitable style for photographs. The easy-to-navigate web pages come a year after the introduction of the University's new identity and include practical guidance on everything from stationery to signage. Go to the Publications and Branding website to access the information. If you need any more advice, call Ria Gane on ext. 7569 or email

Recognise exceptional work with a Chancellor's Award
The closing date (6 May) is fast approaching to nominate someone for a 2005 Chancellor's Award. The scheme recognises exceptional contributions to the work and life of the University by any member of staff. Nominations can be made by any staff, student or former student, and for any activity, aside from direct teaching and research. For further information and nomination forms, see the Chancellor's Awards web page.

Vice-Chancellor's open meetings
The Vice-Chancellor will be holding two open meetings for staff this term: on Wednesday 11 May, from 11am in the Chichester Lecture Theatre; and on Thursday 12 May, from 3pm in the BSMS Lecture Theatre.

Library book sale
On Tuesday (26 April) a book sale in the Library will offer a large number of duplicate copies of books that have been withdrawn from the short loan collection, following detailed evaluation of usage figures. Books from most subject areas will be available, priced at £1 for hardbacks and 50p for paperbacks. The proceeds from the last sale (in October 2004) are being used to increase wireless access in the Library's public areas. Income from this sale will similarly be put towards Library improvements for the benefit of users.

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