Bulletin: The University Newsletter
The University of Sussex


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Peter Ansell

Peter Ansell, Head of Security Services, died suddenly in hospital on 12 September after a period of illness. Peter, who joined the University in 1988 as Head Porter and Security Supervisor, was well known across campus by both staff and students.

The 56-year-old loved music and had been a drummer in a local band in the 1960s. Director of Estates Tony Middleton said: "You could often hear him singing Beatles songs as he walked around the campus."

Winifred Bishop

Winifred Bishop, who died on 4 September, graduated from Sussex with a music degree in 2000 at the age of 66. Winnie was a popular and active musician who played violin in the University orchestra, sang in the University choir and took part in orchestral weekends at home and abroad.

Norman McLeod

A former student who set up University Radio Falmer has died in a car crash at the age of 48. Norman McLeod helped to get the station on the airwaves while studying electronics at Sussex from 1971-74. He went on to work locally in the radio industry and was involved in setting up special temporary stations for the Brighton Festival.

Friday 20th September

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