b u l l e t i n the University of Sussex newsletter


History in the making

Eileen Yeo's book, The Contest for Social Science: Relations and Representations of Gender and Class, London, Rivers Oram, has been shortlisted for the History Today/Longman History Book Award for 1997. She has also been offered an appointment as Visiting Scholar in the History Department of the University of Melbourne next autumn to continue writing her new book Meanings of Motherhood in Europe and America, 1750 to the Present. A spin off from both projects: the Center for Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Studies at UCLA have invited her to a workshop for contributors to the Cambridge History of Science, vol. 7: Modern Social and Behavioral Sciences for which she is writing a chapter on 'Social Surveys and Population Politcs.'

Congratulations to primary teacher, Jan Rees, who has won the Institute of Physics Teacher of the year award for 1997. Jan who is teaching at Somerhill Primary School in Hove, did an in-service course for primary science co-ordinators run by Mike Willson (USIE) and later an MA at Sussex.

A new face at the Meeting House

Father Rob Esdaile is a new arrival this academic year at the Meeting House on campus, where he has replaced Fr Rags Hay-Will as the Roman Catholic Chaplain. Born 35 years ago in Epsom, Surrey, his path to Falmer has been a little circuitous - taking in Lancaster University, Birmingham, Rome (six years training for ordination), and Guildford (five years in the town-centre parish).

"I haven't got lost recently, so I think I must finally have found my way around campus," he comments. "But I'm still learning how to minister in such a large and variegated community. A place where everyone packs up for Christmas is very different from the average parish!"

Although he describes himself as a "reformed trainspotter", walking on the Downs is his principal way of unwinding. And when he's not in the hills or wandering about on campus, he can usually be found either in the Meeting House or at Howard House, the new Catholic Chaplaincy building opposite Falmer Station. "Needless to say, I'm not just there for 'card-carrying' Catholics. So I hope all will feel free to make contact."

Rob can be reached on ext 3879 or 01273 698032, email: qnfa6@sussex.ac.uk.

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Friday January 17th 1997

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