b u l l e t i n the University of Sussex newsletter


What's on...
20 January - 26 January

Lectures, Seminars, Colloquia

Monday 20 January

2pm Particle Physics Seminar: The quantisation of multiskyrmions. K. Baskerville (Swansea), room PB2A1.

4.30pm Neuroscience Seminar: Gap junctions in development. David Becker (UCL), Biology Lecture Room.

6pm Sussex Continuing Education Research Forum: Book Launch - Through the joy of learning: diary of 1000 adult learners. At the Meeting House with refreshments.

Tuesday 21 January

11.30am Idea of Europe Special Lecture Series: On Trust: Lightness and gravity. Professor Josipovici, Arts A2.

2pm The Idea of European Integration Series: Learning from history? Monnet, Marshall aid and how the experiences of the 1920s and 30s influenced post-war integration. Peter Holmes, EDB room 121.

5pm MA Language, Arts and Education Open Seminars: The magic of film. Cherry Potter (National Film and Television School), EDB room 302.

5pm Social Anthropology Graduate/Faculty Seminar: Managing discordant religious sensitivities: freedom of thought, state intervention and the European convention and human rights. Dr. Marie-Benedicte Dembour, room A71.

Wednesday 22 January

1pm IDS and Poverty Research Unit Seminar: Health, social exclusion and inequality. Richard Wilkinson (speaker) and Martin Greeley (discussant), IDS room 221.

1.30pm Debating Society Meeting: Debate on the Brighton and Hove Albion Football stadium problems. Room A5

5pm English Graduate Colloquium: Multiple submissions and little scrolls of parchment: knowledge, censorship and the academy from New Atlantis to NLH. Simon Wortham (Portsmouth), room D640.

Thursday 23 January

4pm Research Seminars in Geography: Making space for the workfare state: the geopolitics of welfare in the United States. Jamie Peck (Manchester), room D610.

4pm Experimental Psychology Colloquia: How to see a zebra in a hurry. Andrew Derrington (Nottingham), Biology Lecture Room.

5pm Sussex Development Lectures: Sustainable development. Gordon Conway, A1 Lecture Theatre.

5pm Social and Political Thought Seminar: Feminism and capitalism series: Caring under capitalism. Susan Himmelweit (Open University), room D630.

5pm History Work-in-Progress Seminar: Taste in the thought of Madame de Lambert: the conjunction of honntet with aesthetic relativism. Kate Hammerton (Chicago), room A155.

Friday 24 January

2pm SPRU Seminar: Does trust improve business performance? Dr. Marie Sako (LSE), EDB room 121.

4pm Astronomy Centre Seminar: Generation of large-scale galactic magnetic fields. K. Subramanian, room PB1A7.

4.30pm Philosophy Society Meeting: Is categorial nonsense possible? Richard Gaskin, room A155.

The Meeting House

6pm Lecture: Serving God, Serving Mammon? Ethics in the money market. The Rev. Stephen Green NSM, Treasurer of the Hong Kong Bank. Meeting House Quiet Room.


SU and Housing Office Workshop

For students planning to move into (or already living in) private rented accommodation. The workshops will provide invaluable information, looking into hazards of renting and offer helpful tips on how to avoid and deal with these hazards. Everyone is welcome. Monday 20 and Wednesday 22 January, 1-2pm, room 126 Falmer House.

Neuroscience and Robotics

Autonomous Behaviour in Animals and Robots: Perspectives from Neuroscience, AI and Philosophy. To mark the recent opening of the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics we are holding this one-day workshop on 24 January. Registration cost £35 (£15 for postgraduate students) and covers lunch and refreshments. For a programme and registration please contact Annie Bacon: BIOLS 3B14, ext. 8055; A.Bacon@sussex.ac.uk

Sussex University Women

12.30pm, Wednesday 22 January. A visit to Burgess Hill School, Keymen Road, Burgess Hill. Talk by Rosemary Lewis: Major changes which have recently taken place in education. Lunch provided, £3 per head. Please telephone Sylvia Lawrence: 471148.

Innovation Centre

6.30pm Thursday 23 January: Evening presentation at the Innovation Centre, by Kenneth Edwards, Senior Partner, Burt Brill and Cardens (Solicitors) entitled: Starting a New Business. Approximately 45 minutes followed by refreshments. All welcome, please call Reception (704400) if interested.

Film at the Gardner

Monday 20 January
6.30pm The Last of England (12)

Tuesday 21 January
7.45pm Emma (U)

Thursday 23 January
7.45pm Reservoir Dogs (18)
11.30pm Pulp Fiction (18)

For information on these and more films contact the box office.

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Friday January 17th 1997

Information Office internalcomms@sussex.ac.uk