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Bulletin - 9th September 2005

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Patricia Bone, lately Progress and Welfare Co-ordinator in the Sussex Institute (SI), has died. She joined the University in 1990 and retired in 2003 for reasons of ill health.

Sybil Marshall, who died on 29 August, was Reader in Primary Education at Sussex from 1967 until her retirement in 1976. For many years she had been a primary-school teacher and at the age of 80 became a successful novelist. Sussex awarded her an honorary degree in 1995. William Lamont, Emeritus Professor of History, recalls in his obituary of Sybil (published in the Guardian on 31 August) that, "Pride of place in her house remained a photograph of the then vice-chancellor of Sussex University, Gordon Conway, presenting her honorary degree. Her ritual was never to pass it without saying 'Good morning Gordon' and then to remonstrate 'However nicely I say it, you never answer me back.'"

Photo of Sheila Maynard Smith

Sheila Maynard Smith, who died on 1 August, was a researcher in the Biology department for more than a decade. She contributed to the bacterial genetics research programme, in addition to being an ambassador for the University as she travelled the world with her husband, Professor John Maynard Smith (the first Dean of Biological Sciences and an active member of the department until his death last year).

Today (9 September) marks the first anniversary of the death of Dr Jama Mhlanga, who studied for his BSc and DPhil in Biochemistry at Sussex. "Jama is not only remembered as a dedicated African scientists but as a very popular figure around campus," says Dr Mairead Dunne. "He was known for his sharp sense of humour, his witty and entertaining conversation (especially over a drink in IDS bar), the time he always had for people and his obsession with jazz."

Joseph Soggiu, who had been a cleaner in the Ancillary Unit since December 1998, died at the end of August.

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