Bulletin: The University Newsletter
The University of Sussex

All in a day's work

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Lori Culora

The annual race is on to become a Students' Union sabbatical officer. This year 20 contenders are competing for the six coveted positions - President, Finance, Communications, Sports and Activities, Education and Welfare Officers. For a year the winners will represent students, liase with the University, and significantly bolster their CV. All are paid full-time posts that students take up either after graduation or by intermitting. Lori Culora, a 20-year-old Multimedia and Digital Systems student, is standing for Welfare Officer.

"I suppose like a lot of people I was a bit apathetic in my first year. I didn't really know or care what the Students' Union was. Then I got a job in the Union Shop and Nik, a friend I worked with, became Education Officer. I thought to myself, 'Why not stand as part-time Ents chair?' and then I won too! I was involved in the Freshers' Ball and loads of other stuff.

OK, so there's not an obvious link between Ents and Welfare, but the Student Advice Centre helped me massively when I had problems financially, and I can see how students need a lot of support. Anyhow, I'm always solving my mates' crises, so I went for it.

I got to campus early today so I could flyer students for their 9.15s, but everyone's really tired and not very receptive. Flyering feels like you're ripping your soul out! You have to talk and smile at people who sometimes just blank you. People say things like: 'I can't be bothered to vote' or 'I'm leaving uni - I don't care", and it just makes me angry. If you don't use your vote, you won't have any say at all.

Over the weekend I designed my posters and a banner. These have to be approved by the returning officers. They check we don't slag off opponents, break Union policy or suggest candidate alliances. They then sign it and take a copy for the records. If you break these rules they can impose a penalty. If you were really naughty they could even disqualify you!

We get a 'virtual' £20 election budget. All our photocopying comes out of that, but the returning officers also cost up other materials. So they might decide a hat or a banner costs £2. It might actually have cost £20 or nothing at all, but it's so everyone's campaign is on an equal footing.

Last night, fellow candidate Emily and I went around the bars and residences persuading first years to vote. These guys said they knew who they were voting for because they had seen some posters. But we were the first candidates they'd actually met, so hopefully that's a few votes changed.

I also had to go through the hustings, which is a nightmare. You basically just stand up in front of loads of students and have to explain why they should vote for you. I was terrified I'd fluff my lines or sound crap or something. It went okay, but I ran out of time and forgot one of my manifesto points!

The campaigns all seem quite similar - flyers, banners, Library Square and all that. But a few have gimmicks. Emily Baker's team are wearing bakers' hats, while Jasmine has an 'All that jazz' theme and keeps playing the same jazz tune all day. It'll drive me potty soon. My slogan is 'Let Lori Listen' but I'm trying to avoid too many gimmicks and just be myself.

If I were to win I'd concentrate on the Student Advice Centre. Its usage has gone up 165 per cent, yet its funding hasn't reflected this. I'd also look at housing problems - both on and off campus - and I'd continue to build up Nightline.

If I don't win, at least I'll know I've tried. No, actually, I'd be really disappointed. My heart's been set on it since the campaign started. For a week you put your degree to one side. The further you go, the more you get swept up in the election.

And it's not just me - all the candidates really, really want to win. We're all very nice to each other and rooting for each other to win. But in the end, we're all rivals. We're all at each others' votes!"

  • Results were due yesterday (6 February). So by the time you read this, Lori will know whether his bid to become Welfare Officer has been successful. See http://www.myunion.info for a full results analysis.

Friday 7th February 2003

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