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Bulletin - 4th February 2005

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Primary school poet

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A tutor on the MA in Creative Writing is teaching some rather younger pupils than the ones she encounters on campus. Cheryl Moskowitz is currently working with years 2 and 5 at Clerkenwell Parochial Primary School in Finsbury, where she is poet-in-residence for a four-week period.

The poet, playwright and novelist writes for both adults and children and leads writing workshops at various schools and galleries as well as teaching on the Sussex MA. Cheryl's plays have been produced and performed nationally and her poems have been published in several anthologies.

"I take away all the rules - it's all about the enjoyment of the sound of words," Cheryl told the Islington Gazette. "We began by exploring the children's names and the meaning of their names and asking them what their favourite words are. We then made nonsense poems from their favourite words. The children are really proud of the stuff they're writing."

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