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Bulletin - 1 June 2007

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Not a rubbish idea

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Survived the dragons: Winners of the Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow competition, from L-R, Christopher Sisley, Ahmad Noor Moradi and Daniel Kidby with, from L-R, the winning team’s teacher, K. Hughes; Professor Bob Allison, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Gerard Cronin, Regional Development Co-ordinator at Sussex.

Survived the dragons: Winners of the Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow competition, from L-R, Christopher Sisley, Ahmad Noor Moradi and Daniel Kidby with, from L-R, the winning team’s teacher, K. Hughes; Professor Bob Allison, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Gerard Cronin, Regional Development Co-ordinator at Sussex.

A group of ‘gentle dragons’ crowned a team from Portslade the winners of an Entrepreneurs for Tomorrow competition held recently at Sussex.

Jointly run for the fourth year by the Regional Development Team (RDO) and the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, Entrepreneurs for Tomorrow brought more than 200 pupils from schools in East and West Sussex to the University campus for the launch event in January.

Supported by the RDO Enterprise team and business advisors from the community, during the spring term pupils were challenged to develop a business plan for a social enterprise to ‘create a positive impact’.

The three Year 10 pupils from Portslade Community College wowed the judges, Professor Bob Allison, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Sharon Phillips, Regional Development Manager at Sussex; Justin Philcox from the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust; and Dr Pat Drake from the Education department at Sussex.

Out of six finalists, the Portslade team won with their proposal called ‘Recycle for Education’ at the final held in the Medical School building at Sussex on 16 May.

The judges chose Ahmad Noor Moradi, Daniel Kidby and Christopher Sisley’s team because they had an impressive presentation and film demonstrating how they intended to recycle electrical goods from their area to generate income for education projects to help communities in Sierra Leone.

Each member of the winning team was given an iPod as their prize.

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