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Sussex students search earliest for graduate jobs

Students at the University of Sussex are most likely to start hunting for a graduate job before their final year of university, according to results of a new survey reported in the Daily Telegraph last week (Friday 25 January).

Students at Careers Fair 2012The survey, carried out by – the largest graduate jobs board in the UK, names Sussex students as the most proactive in the country in applying early for graduate jobs.

The survey results show that one-in-five students at British universities begin their career search before their final year, compared to one-in-20 in 2002.

Linda Buckham, Director of the Careers and Employability Centre at Sussex, said: “We’re pleased but not surprised by Sussex being in the top spot – we’ve seen a 60 per cent increase in the number of students attending interviews with Careers Advisers since the Careers and Employability Centre moved into the University library in the middle of campus last year.

“At Sussex we help our students to think from the outset about how to prepare themselves for working life in a highly competitive world.

“Even our prospectus offers new students a step-by-step guide to planning for a career from their first year onwards.

“All students have access to Sussex Plus, a web tool that allows students to build over time a fully-rounded CV of the skills they accrue in study and extra-curricular activities while at Sussex.  And with the Centre at the heart of our busy library, students are very aware of our presence and the activities and services we offer.”

For more information about the careers service at Sussex, visit the Careers and Employability Centre website.