Voyage à Constantinople fait à l’occasion de l’ambassade de M. le comte de Choiseul-Gouffier à la Porte ottomane

Name of text: Voyage à Constantinople fait à l’occasion de l’ambassade de M. le comte de Choiseul-Gouffier à la Porte ottomane
Author of text: L’Abbé Guillaume Martin
Date of text: 1821
Date of person in text: Nineteenth century
Name of structure in text: Hagia Sophia
Type of structure in text: Church
Date of structure in text 6th century
Century of structure 1: 6 AD
Century of structure 2:
Country in text: Turkey
Region in text:
City in text: Constantinople
Specific place of mosaic in text: Sale of loose tesserae
Description of mosaic in text: Author says they were given pieces of mosaic which were taken from the walls; little pieces of glass of many colours encrusted in plaster or stucco. All the walls of HS were revetted with mosaics.
Mosaic date in text:
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Martin, L’Abbé Guillaume, Voyage à Constantinople fait à l’occasion de l’ambassade de M. le comte de Choiseul-Gouffier à la Porte ottomane (Paris: 1821), pp. 111-13

Comments: Choiseul-Gouffier was ambassador to Constantinople from 1784-91

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