
Name of text: Turcograecia
Author of text: Martin Crusius
Date of text: 1584
Date of person in text: 1526-1607
Name of structure in text: Fethiye Camii/Pammakaristos Church
Type of structure in text: Church
Date of structure in text 11-12 century
Century of structure 1: 11 AD
Century of structure 2: 12 AD
Country in text: Turkey
Region in text:
City in text: Constantinople
Specific place of mosaic in text: To the right of one of the outside doors
Description of mosaic in text: the Emperor and Empress, anonymously, to the left two apostles
Mosaic date in text:
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Theodosios Zygomalas, Crusius’s chief assistant, writing to Martin Crusius 1526-1607, compiler of Turcograecia, 1.3. p. 75
Crusius quoting Gerlach, Turcograecia 2.3.p. 190.

 Mango, Cyril and Ernest J. W. Hawkins, ‘Report on Field Work in Istanbul and Cyprus, 1962-1963’, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 18 (1964), 319-340, see p. 331

Comments: Mosaic still extant in 16th century

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