Letter to Charlemagne

Name of text: Letter to Charlemagne
Author of text: Pope Hadrian
Date of text: 8th century
Date of person in text: Hadrian I 700-795 (Pope 772-795), Charlemagne 742-814
Name of structure in text: Various churches built by S. Silvester (Pope 314-335) and Constantine
Type of structure in text: Church
Date of structure in text 4th
Century of structure 1: 4 AD
Century of structure 2:
Country in text: Italy
Region in text: Lazio
City in text: Rome
Specific place of mosaic in text:
Description of mosaic in text: the holy pontiffs, namely Sylvester, Mark [Pope Mark 336], and Julius [Pope Julius 1 337-352] painted the wonderfully large sanctuaries of their churches, also in mosaic,
Mosaic date in text: 4 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:

Labbe, Philippe and Gabriel Cossarti, eds, Sacrosancta Conciliaad regiam editionem exacta(Venice: 1729), vol. 7, quoted in Eugene Muntz, ‘The Lost Mosaics of Rome IV to IX Century’, The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, 6.1/2 (1890), 1-9, see p. 7


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