Al-Mushtarak wadh'a wal-Muftaraq Sa'qa

Name of text: Al-Mushtarak wadh'a wal-Muftaraq Sa'qa
Author of text: Yaqut
Date of text: 12th century
Date of person in text: 1179-1229
Name of structure in text: Umayyad Mosque/Great Mosque of Damascus
Type of structure in text: mosque
Date of structure in text 8th century
Century of structure 1: 8 AD
Century of structure 2:
Country in text: Syria
Region in text:
City in text: Damascus
Specific place of mosaic in text:
Description of mosaic in text: One can see the representation of each town and tree [existing] in the world, in gold, green, or yellow mosaic.
Mosaic date in text: 8 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? Yes
Colour descriptions in text: green

Yaqut, al-Mushtarak wadh'a wal-Muftaraq Sa'qa, trans. by J. Wustenfeld (Leipzig: 1866-73), vol. 2, p. 593, quoted in Margurite van Berchem, ‘Les Mosaiques de la Mosquée des Omayyades a Damas’, in Eustache de Lorey and Marguerite Gautier van Berchem, Monuments et Mémoires (Paris: Foundation Eugene Piot, 1929), p. 132


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