Temple of Apollo

Name of structure: Temple of Apollo
Extended name of structure:
Type of structure: Temple
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Campania
City or area within region: Lake Avernus
Date of structure: Second century AD
Century of structure 1: 2 AD
Century of structure 2:
Specific place of mosaic: Walls
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: Traces - most of tesserae have fallen out but surviving colours include ochre, purple, grey/black and white
Date of mosaic: Second century AD
Century of mosaic 1: 2 AD
Century of mosaic 2:
Silver tessera at site:
Gold tessera at site:
Colour tessera at site:
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)?
Has analysis been done?
Samples taken from where?
Excavation and restoration campaigns:
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Sear, Frank B., Roman Wall and Vault Mosaics (Heidelberg: F. H. Kerle Verlag, 1977), 108
See also:
Crema, L., L’architettura romana, Enciclopedia Classica, Sezione III, Archeologia e storia dell’arte classica, vol 12, Archeologia (Turin: Arte romana Tomo1), 1959), 413, fig 393
Neuerburg, N., ‘L’architettura delle fontane e dei ninfei nell’Italia antica,’ in Memorie dell’Accademia di Archeologica Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli, V (Naples: G. Macchiaroli, 1965), 66
Boethius, A., and J. B. Ward Perkins, Etruscan and Roman Architecture (Harmondsworth: 1970), 299


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