Maria la Nuova

Name of structure: Maria la Nuova
Extended name of structure: Monreale Cathedral
Type of structure: Church
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Sicily
City or area within region: Monreale
Date of structure: Begun by 1174
Century of structure 1: 12 AD
Century of structure 2: 12 AD
Specific place of mosaic:

Nave; aisles; sanctuary; apse.

Brief descriptive contents of mosaic:

Nave walls: Scenes from the Old Testament
North and south aisles: Miracles of Christ, story or Peter and Paul (by sanctuary)
Sanctuary: Christological scenes, donor,
Apse: Christ Pantokrator, enthroned Virgin with Christ child, saints. 
Scenes interspersed with geometrical patterns, flora, fauna.

Date of mosaic: 1180-90
Century of mosaic 1: 12 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 12 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? Unknown
Has analysis been done? Yes
Samples taken from where? From rubble by north tower restored in 1970s (Verità & Rapisarda, 2008)
Excavation and restoration campaigns: 1965-82
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Verità, M. & Rapisarda, S., 'Studio analitico di materiali musivi vitrei del XII-XIII secolo dalla Basilica di Monreale a Palermo', Rivista della Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro 2 (2008), 15-29. 

Verità, M., 'Tecniche di fabbricazione dei materiali musivi vitrei attraverso indagini chimiche e mineralogiche', in Medieval Mosaics.: Light, Color, Materials, ed by E. Borsook, F. Superbi & G. Pagliarulo (Milan, Silvana Editoriale, 2000), 47-64.

Andaloro, M., Naselli-Flores, G. et al, I moisaici di Monreale: restauri e scoperte (1965-1982). XIII Catalogo di Opere d'Arte restaurate, Quaderno del Bollettino B.C.A. Sicilia n.4 (Palermo, 1986). 

Andaloro, M., 'Techniche di esecuzione dei mosaici di Monreale', Mosaique n. 3 Conservation in situ. Papers of the second general confererence of the International Committee for Conservation of Mosaics, Aquileia, Oct 1983, ICCROM (Rome, 1985), 231-55.

Trizzino, L. 'Die  Kathedrale von Monreale: Was für eine Collage!', Daidalos 6 (1985), 65-80.

D'Angelo, F. & Naselli, G.,' L'impegno della ceramica nei mosaici della cattedrale di Monreale', Faenza: Bolletino del Museo Internazionale delle ceramiche di Faenza 70/3-4 (1984), 178-82.

Johnson, M. J., ‘The lost royal portraits of Gerace and Cefalù cathedrals’, DOP 53 (1999), 238-62.


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