Triclinium of Giovanni Laterano

Name of structure: Triclinium of Giovanni Laterano
Extended name of structure: Triclinuim Lateranense, Triclinium Leonino
Type of structure: Banquet and reception hall (reconstructed from 8C original)
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Lazio
City or area within region: Rome
Date of structure: 18C
Century of structure 1: 18 AD
Century of structure 2: 18 AD
Specific place of mosaic:

The apse was originallly placed on the south wall of a building which formed part of the papal palace. The present mosaic from 18C is on the outside apse of an 18C building 40m north of the original building.

Brief descriptive contents of mosaic:

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Museo Sacro: heads of two Apostles (the smallest one is 8C; the larger one most probably 17C: see Davis-Meyer (1974), and Iacobino (1989)).
18C mosaic: Christ, saints, artists.

Date of mosaic: Original mosaic from time of Pope Leo III (795-816), reconstructed several times (see Iacobino, 1989). Present mosaic was commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV in 1743.
Century of mosaic 1: 8 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 18 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)?


Has analysis been done? No
Samples taken from where? n/a
Excavation and restoration campaigns: 17C, 18C
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Herklotz, I., 'Francesco Barberini, Nicolò Alemanni, and the Lateran Triclinium of Leo III: an episode in restoration and seicento medieval studies', Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 40 (1995), 175-96. 

Iacobini, A., 'Il mosaico del triclinio Lateranense', in Fragmenta picta: affreschi e mosaici staccati del Medioevo romano (Roma, Castel Sant'Angelo, 15 dicembre 1989-18 febbraio 1990), ed by M. Andaloro et al. (Rome: Àrgos, 1989), 189-96.

Belting, H.,'I mosaici dell'Aula Leonina come testimonianza della prima 'renovatio' dell'arte medievale di Roma', in Roma e l'età carolinga. Atti delle Giornate di Studio (3-8 maggio, 1976), ed by Instituto di Storia dell'Arte dell'Università di Roma, 167-83

Davis-Meyer, C. 'Karolingisches und nicht-Karolingisches in zwei Mosaikfr.agmenten der Vatikanischen Bibliotek', Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 37 (1974), 31-9.




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