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5 Acknowledgements

An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Brain, Mind & Physics workshop, Prague, September 14-17, 1993, organized by the Centre For Theoretical Studies at Charles University. I wish to thank Ivan Havel and CTS for making my participation there possible. That earlier version appeared as [Chrisley, 1995].

Many of the ideas in this paper were developed during very fruitful discussions with Paavo Pylkkänen, Larry Gould, Ivan Havel, Ajit Narayanan, and with the partcipants in the symposium on ``Physicalism, Connectionism, and Consciousness'' held in Siuntio, Finland in September of 1992. I am very grateful, then, for the support of the Finnish Academy and the University of Helsinki, which made these interactions possible.

Ron Chrisley
Wed Nov 20 01:10:59 GMT 1996