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Advanced Computer Music: G6003

materials adapted with kind permission from those created by Nick Collins

Contact information: Alice Eldridge
Email: alicee [at] sussex dot ac dot uk
Where: Arundel 221 (Music Informatics Lab)

Teaching sessions: Tues 9am-11pm and Thurs 12am-2pm
(all sessions can include workshop components, be prepared for practical tasks!)
Assessment: Two programming exercises

Module Outline

Following on from Computer Music (G6002), this module explores contemporary technologies for music with respect to new research directions, creative pathways and commercial software efforts. Topics will include fundamentals of digital signal processing for audio, machine listening, music information retrieval, musical modelling and interactive music systems. A workshop component will keep the module grounded in the real needs of musicians and developers, whilst theoretical overviews will avoid an undue emphasis on any one specific implementation.

A variety of platforms will be involved; whilst one audio programming language may be selected as primary for demonstration and workshop purposes, e.g., SuperCollider, the module may also explore standalone applications, the coding of music applications from general purpose programming languages (e.g., in Java, C and MATLAB) and alternative art programming languages (e.g., Csound, Processing or Pd) following contemporary developments. Students will become more confident that they can build their own tools or extensions to existing platforms as necessary.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, a successful student should be able to:

1 Apply advanced techniques of computer music in novel creative software solutions
2 Synthesise knowledge of electronic music aesthetics, history and technology into new artistic and technical artefacts
3 Evaluate computer music projects informed by the forefront of computer music research

Module Overview by Weeks

1 - Introduction and Third Year Projects launch
2 - Mappings: Data Sonification and Audiovisuals
3 - Digital Signal Processing
4 - Sample Level Sound Synthesis and Processing
5 - Computer Music System Architectures
6 - Guest topic: Adam Linson - approaches to live processing
7 - Support week
8 - Interactive Music Systems
9 - Interfacing
10 - Machine Listening
11 - Music Information Retrieval
12 - Concatenative Synthesis