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Types of Migration
Internal Migration
Global Labour Mobility
Child Migration
Skilled Migration
Forced Migration
Return Migration

Key Themes
Modelling Causes
and Consequences
Links between Migrations
Rural Poverty and Livelihoods
Social Protection
Gender and Generations
Health and Education

UK / international
Albania / Eastern Europe
Ghana / Africa
Egypt / the Middle East
Bangladesh and
South Asia




Project 4d
The Impact of Migration on Assets for Sending Households

Migration has economic and social costs that require access to and control over resources. Kothari (2002) presents an analysis of how poor people’s migration choices are impaired by different forms of social exclusion, which result from inequitable access to different capital resources and institutions. These include economic assets (e.g. land ownership, savings), human capital (e.g. education, skills, age), social capital (e.g. kinship networks), cultural capital (e.g. ethnicity, caste, gender, language), geography (e.g. natural environment, rural remoteness) and political capital (e.g. political participation and citizenship).

Ownership of economic assets such as land and livestock and financial savings are often important determinants of whether an individual or household on the one hand needs (or is sufficiently risk averse) to pursue livelihood diversification through migration, and on the other can afford the financial costs of migrating (in the presence of credit market imperfections that limit opportunities for borrowing). Furthermore, migration can provide avenues and opportunities to asset access and accumulation for some migrants, while others experience asset depletion as a consequence of migration.

Key Research Questions

To what extent does initial asset access enable migration?
Does migration facilitate asset accumulation for Egyptians and Ghanaians?
Are different types of migrants able to accumulate significantly more than others, and why?

  Key Theme(s)
Modelling Causes and Consequences


Rachel Sabates-Wheeler

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler

Key activities
1. For this project we will draw on a database collected by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and the Statistical Office of the European Union for their project Push and Pull Factors of International Migration. The DRC has already invested much time in acquiring and exploring this dataset so it is important that we continue to use it. We intend to use the country datasets for Ghana and Egypt to collaborate with our partners in those countries.

2. Our project will utilize quantitative methods to explore the linkages between assets and migration. Specifically we will use matching methods to impute values from current Ghanaian and Egyptian migrants in Italy to non-migrants and returnees in Ghana and Egypt. The nature of the NIDI data together with this methodology will allow us to construct a dataset that will enable us to compare the asset trajectories of non-migrants and returnees, controlling for household characteristics, poverty profiles, formal migration status and demographic characteristics. Furthermore, this paper will compare different econometric methodologies for analysing the same question to determine how robust the results are. Specifically, we will use a Heckman model allowing for migrant selectivity and a matching model.

Key Outputs

A working paper

An academic publication


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With thanks to IOM and Claudia Natali for the photographs